Ezequiel Gil, an architect, and his brotherFélix Gil, an engineer, started the company in2010 with the goal of fostering creativitywith the aid of engineering. The complementbetween the brothers was crucial from thestart, and they work as a team with theirpartner, architect Alexis Plaghos, to createart with the utmost professionalism,encompassing all aspects, including finances.
The projects by Pacifica are present inmany nations and are distinguished bydeviating from traditional EuropeanDesign patterns while maintaining theaesthetic and practical tenets of theold continent school. However,what distinguishes him most is the waythat his aesthetic captures a facet ofreality that us, as consumers are notaccustomed to witnessing.
Ezequiel Gil, Co-Founder of PacíficaStudio, being a natural sensory enthusiast,he knows that architecture and versatilityare crucial when creating together aproject from the perspective of enjoyment.Ezequiel's passion shines through indiverse, stellar projects. He meticulouslydesigns residences tailored to eachclient's lifestyle and needs, ensuringsatisfaction in both the process and theoutcome.
Felix Gil, co-founder of Pacifica, earnedhis degree in Industrial Engineering fromITBA in 1998. With his entrepreneurialspirit, he has established severalcompanies that remain operational today.Focused on finances and new ventures, hebrings a crucial corporate dimension to thestudio, essential for the company's growth.
Lover of good living and passionate aboutgood taste and design, he studied at theUniversity of Buenos Aires where he latertaught architecture. As a professional hehas designed and directed large and diverseprojects, prioritizing aesthetic harmonyand creativity combined with spatial andconstructive efficiency. As a partner inPacifica, it is characterized by thepersonalized link with clients,guaranteeing inspiring designs that respondto their requirements and adapt toenjoyment during all times of the year,always seeking excellence.
Vero is the interior creative director atPacifica Architecture with a 20-yearlegacy. Her distinctive style of art isdrawn with luxury neutral colours thatensures each project to be both softelegant and functional. her singularinspiration achieves a balanced sense ofquality and warmth ambiences which areappreciated in her international works. Herknow-how appeals to natural marterials withhigh end touches for each customers needs.At Pacifica, interior designs provides eacharchitecture project her energy andpresence from its beginning to realization.